
Changing Times

Today's newspaper has a story about a woman who was expelled from a catholic lay sisterhood in the small town of Abenojar (the main square in the above photo) because she is a lesbian. The diocesis of Ciudad Real considers her behavior "scandalous". This part of the story is not too surprising. But in another sign that things have changed extraordinarily, the woman expelled from the cofradía, whose name is María and who last year married her partner, told journalists that she has received lots of support in this village of 2,000 people in rural Spain and that no one has said anything against her. Unimaginable not so long ago. The church is free to have the rules it likes, of course, but it may want to reconsider its terminology: a legally married woman who strongly identifies herself as a Christian wants to participate in a local organization with the support of her neighbors. Where's the scandal?

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